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Found 142 research reports. Research reports are sorted with the most recent first.

Workforce mobility and skills in the UK construction sector 2012 - UK
Find out about the qualifications levels in the UK construction sector, as well as the extent of occupational and geographic mobility.
UKCES report 2011/12
Labour market analysis reports (previously the Skills Needs Analysis reports and Skills Foresight Reports).
Training and the built environment 2012
This report (formerly the Trainee Numbers Survey) measures the number of people entering construction training and provides facts about the industry.
Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction 2011-2015
The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This report covers the whole of the UK.
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2011-2015 - Greater London
The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This report covers Greater London.
Evaluation of work readiness
This report examines the work readiness of entrants to the UK construction sector who have work-related qualifications.
Management and supervisory skills
This research examines the management and supervisory workforce, qualification levels, training, skills gaps and priority areas for skill development.
Migrant construction workers and health and safety communication
This report provides the basis for suggesting areas where employers and managers can make interventions to improve communicating safe and healthy working practice with migrant workers.
Skills and training in the construction industry 2011
Results of an annual survey to determine skill needs and training practices amongst both self-employed individuals and employers working in the construction industry across the UK.
Training and the built environment 2011
This report (formerly the Trainee Numbers Survey) measures the number of people entering construction training and provides facts about the industry.

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