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Found 18 research reports. Research reports are sorted with the most recent first.

Careers in Construction 2024
This latest Careers in Construction research builds on our evidence-base that, informs our strategy, and underpins industry’s skills planning. The research draws information from a large number and wi...
Rethinking Recruitment
This comprehensive study on new approaches to recruitment in the construction industry, highlights the opportunities for industry to increase the number and diversity of the individuals it recruits. A...
Skills and Training in the Construction Industry 2021
CITB commissioned its seventh skills and training survey in 2021 to determine skill needs and training practices for the construction industry. It looked at both self-employed individuals and employer...
Best practice review: employment pathways into the construction industry for underrepresented groups
CITB commissioned this rapid evidence assessment as part of the Pathways into Construction Commission, which aims to connect employers with people who do not traditionally enter construction.
Learning to earning: Increasing FE learners into Construction
We have carried out this research to better understand the barriers to FE learners joining the construction industry and to outline potential solutions. Through this research we present new evidence ...
Behaviours, cultures and performance in the construction industry
The construction industry needs to be more productive to be more competitive. One way in which this can be achieved is by changing the behaviours and cultures inherent in the industry, encouraging pos...
Post-16 routes into construction
CSN figures show construction opportunities abound. However, routes into construction require improvement; employers and colleges need to collaborate on course content and training needs.
Work readiness
While employers place great importance on work experience, they are less likely to offer it because of a lack of time, resources or suitable roles.
Young people not in education, training or work
Building 'social capital' - improving young people’s employability skills and motivation - is key to increasing construction opportunities for under-represented young people.
CBE: Skills transferability in the UK
A CITB report and supplementary green paper to understand the potential of skills transferability into, and within the UK construction sector.