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Found 118 research reports. Research reports are sorted with the most recent first.

Trainee numbers survey 2003/2004
This report (now known as the Training and the Built Environment) measures the number of people entering construction training and provides facts about the industry.
Skills foresight report 2003
This Skills foresight report provides analysis of the construction industry's skill requirements.
Effect of employment status on investment in training
Interviews with 880 employers, workers and recruitment companies on the effect of employment status on investment in training.
Trainee numbers survey 2002/2003
This report (now known as the Training and the Built Environment) measures the number of people entering construction training and provides facts about the industry.
Trainee numbers survey 2001/2002
This report (formerly the Trainee Numbers Survey) measures the number of people entering construction training and provides facts about the industry.
Construction employment and training forecast 2001-2005
This report provides an analysis of the supply and demand for skills in the construction industry.
Construction employment and training forecast 2000-2004
This report provides an analysis of the supply and demand for skills in the construction industry.
Pre-employment interventions
The report found a range of pre-employment interventions including information, skills training, employer engagement and work experience can help address the skills shortage.

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