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Found 18 research reports. Research reports are sorted with the most recent first.

Changing perceptions: the growing appeal of a career in construction
This report outlines the findings of a CITB survey to understand perceptions of construction careers among young people, parents and career advice professionals.
A new reality: immersive learning in construction
This report explores how the sector can modernise and innovate its training methods. It assesses the benefits provided by immersive learning and how it is being applied to best effect.
Faster, smarter, more efficient: building skills for offsite construction
This report examines how the use of offsite construction techniques is changing the skills and training landscape for construction.
Career and training progression routes
A programme of research was undertaken to investigate career progression, training, education and qualifications in the construction sector.
Productivity workshop
This report was commissioned by CITB to identify the trends in productivity, what their causes might be, and what action needs to be taken if productivity is to be improved.
Educating the educators
This research was commissioned to find out what careers advisers and teachers think of construction, and how best the industry might change their opinions and support their work.
Fuller working lives in construction
The Fuller Working Lives in Construction study looked at how the sector could retain, retrain and recruit the over-50s.
Pre-employment interventions
The report found a range of pre-employment interventions including information, skills training, employer engagement and work experience can help address the skills shortage.