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Found 261 research reports. Research reports are sorted with the most recent first.
- Skills provision committee update
- Find out about the training provision for the UK construction industry.
- The impact of the recession on construction professional services
- This CITB report, commissioned by the Construction Industry Council (CIC), looks at how the recession was impacting on the UK professional services sector.
- Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction 2009-2013
- The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry.
- Construction Skills Network forecasts 2009-2013 - Cymraeg
- The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This reports covers Wales (Welsh version).
- Construction Skills Network forecasts 2009-2013 - East
- The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This report covers the east of England.
- Construction Skills Network forecasts 2009-2013 - East Midlands
- The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This report covers the East Midlands.
- Construction Skills Network forecasts 2009-2013 - Greater London
- The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This report covers Greater London.
- Construction Skills Network forecasts 2009-2013 - North East
- The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This report covers the north east of England.
- Construction Skills Network forecasts 2009-2013 - Northern Ireland
- The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This report covers Northern Ireland.
- Construction Skills Network forecasts 2009-2013 - North West
- The Construction Skills Network (CSN) provides market intelligence and insight for the UK construction industry. This report covers the north west of England.
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