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Found 118 research reports. Research reports are sorted with the most recent first.

Work readiness
While employers place great importance on work experience, they are less likely to offer it because of a lack of time, resources or suitable roles.
Young people not in education, training or work
Building 'social capital' - improving young people’s employability skills and motivation - is key to increasing construction opportunities for under-represented young people.
CBE: Skills transferability in the UK
A CITB report and supplementary green paper to understand the potential of skills transferability into, and within the UK construction sector.
Changing perceptions: the growing appeal of a career in construction
This report outlines the findings of a CITB survey to understand perceptions of construction careers among young people, parents and career advice professionals.
Achievers and leavers: barriers and opportunities for people entering the construction industry
This report brings together three related pieces of research to give an insight into the barriers and opportunities workers may face when entering the industry.
The construction industry early leavers survey
This report details the findings of a study examining the nature, reasons for, impact of and ways of reducing early leaving from construction.
Destinations of construction learners in further education
This report presents findings from a study in England that compared learners’ expected outcomes from completing further education, construction and built environment courses in 2015/6 with the actual ...
A new reality: immersive learning in construction
This report explores how the sector can modernise and innovate its training methods. It assesses the benefits provided by immersive learning and how it is being applied to best effect.
Training and the built environment 2017
This report (formerly the Trainee Numbers Survey) measures the number of people entering construction training and provides facts about the industry.
Career and training progression routes
A programme of research was undertaken to investigate career progression, training, education and qualifications in the construction sector.

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