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Found 100 research reports. Research reports are sorted with the most recent first.
- Skills needs analysis of the construction and built environment sector in Wales
- This report summarises findings into the impact that the recession has had on the Welsh construction industry.
- Skills needs of specialists in construction
- Labour market information and intelligence, investigating key issues such as skills levels, gaps and needs, recruitment, training and future growth.
- Training and the built environment 2013
- This report (formerly the Trainee Numbers Survey) measures the number of people entering construction training and provides facts about the industry.
- Nuclear new build employment scenarios
- Improve your understanding of the nuclear new build (NNB) programme and what it might mean for the UK's future training requirements.
- UKCES report 2011/12
- Labour market analysis reports (previously the Skills Needs Analysis reports and Skills Foresight Reports).
- Training and the built environment 2012
- This report (formerly the Trainee Numbers Survey) measures the number of people entering construction training and provides facts about the industry.
- Management and supervisory skills
- This research examines the management and supervisory workforce, qualification levels, training, skills gaps and priority areas for skill development.
- Migrant construction workers and health and safety communication
- This report provides the basis for suggesting areas where employers and managers can make interventions to improve communicating safe and healthy working practice with migrant workers.
- Skills and training in the construction industry 2011
- Results of an annual survey to determine skill needs and training practices amongst both self-employed individuals and employers working in the construction industry across the UK.
- Skills provision for the construction sector in Wales
- Report and executive summary of commissioned research to inform transformational change.
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