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Nation Council Chair vacancies: Help shape the future of construction skills

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has Nation Council Chair vacancies for England and Scotland.

Skills needs, new recruits and the challenges ahead - CITB’s England Plan 2021/22

Helping employers with their immediate skills needs, clear information to attract new recruits including from FE, and tackling long-term challenges underpin CITB’s England Plan, published today (7 April).

Crackdown on fraud in construction testing

Organised crime in London, the Midlands and the North West is cashing in on pent-up demand for construction testing resulting from the months of lockdown, and CITB needs your help to stop it.

Open Doors: An important opportunity for industry

Zara Edmondson from Kier reveals the value of taking part in Open Doors and why more businesses should get on board.

One new vacancy on CITB England's Nation Council

CITB is seeking a senior construction industry professional to join its England Nation Council.

Construction workers detained in CITB, police and Home Office counter-fraud operations

Seven construction workers were detained on suspicion of working in Britain illegally during unannounced counter-fraud visits by CITB, police and the Home Office.

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