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Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 30 March 2020
Today's key messages are on online Site Safety training and a checklist for Apprentice Safety on Site.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 24 March 2020
Today's key messages are on support for apprentices, our new Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) app and information on a new employer support database.

CITB support for employers and apprentices through Coronavirus
CITB updates on measures addressing the Coronavirus/Covid-19 crisis.

Recruitment drive launched for new construction assessors
A project has launched to recruit and train 100 new construction assessors across all of Scotland’s construction Colleges.

New Go Construct service for local work experience on construction sites
CITB is developing a new online service featuring work experience opportunities on local construction sites, part of a drive to link candidates with employers.

Two new vacancies on CITB Scotland’s Nation Council
Senior members of the construction industry are being invited to apply to join the Scotland Nation Council for the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).

CITB sets out over £290k to digitally transform Scottish construction
Scotland’s construction bosses and their suppliers are at the heart of a new, CITB-funded programme to give construction leaders the skills to drive digital transformation.

Skills Olympics takes Team UK to Russia
Team UK returned from the 'Skills Olympics' placing 12th out of 63 countries and took home 15 Medallions of Excellence.

Consultation on 1,000 construction training standards
CITB is embarking on its biggest ever consultation, with industry views sought from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (via CITBNI).

Offsite construction to go mainstream with £1.2m CITB investment
Offsite construction is going mainstream with the biggest expansion in teaching materials so far.
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