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Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 14 April 2020

Today's update on CITB’s support to industry during COVID-19 is focused on the launch of the new £5m Leadership and Management Development Fund and help for Approved Training Organisations (ATOs).

Journey to becoming a Plant Operator

Recent NCC apprentice, David Campbell, explains how a 12 week plant operation course gave him the skills to accelerate his career.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 8 April 2020

Today's update focuses on remote learning and a database of local and regional support.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 6 April 2020

In today's update, we launch Go Construct Buildathon competitions - exciting challenges that we hope will provide support for children and parents alike during this prolonged school shutdown.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 3 April 2020

Today's update is on remote learning and how we’re enabling you to keep training by identifying as many courses as possible that can be delivered through interfaces like Teams, Skype, Zoom, WebEx and others.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 2 April 2020

Today's update is focused on wellbeing and providing support for the NHS.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 30 March 2020

Today's key messages are on online Site Safety training and a checklist for Apprentice Safety on Site.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 24 March 2020

Today's key messages are on support for apprentices, our new Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) app and information on a new employer support database.

CITB support for employers and apprentices through Coronavirus

CITB updates on measures addressing the Coronavirus/Covid-19 crisis.

Recruitment drive launched for new construction assessors

A project has launched to recruit and train 100 new construction assessors across all of Scotland’s construction Colleges.

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