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Construction’s role in the greatest challenge of our time
"The era of global boiling has arrived." If ever a phrase brought home the danger of not meeting net zero targets, then this recent quote, from UN secretary general, António Guterres, is it. The environment is a passion of mine on a professional and personal level as readers of my blogs will know. Climate change affects us all and its increasing impact is obvious. In this blog I will share recent facts on climate change. I will also outline how CITB is working with industry, Governments and training providers to serve the public on the most pressing issue of our time.

Our plan to put employers in the driving seat
I like to keep things simple which is why CITB’s new Business Plan has one overriding aim: to put employers in the driving seat on skills and training.

Talentview Construction speaks to sustainability experts for Green Careers Week
Green Careers Week is taking place for the first time this year (November 7-12), shining a spotlight on net zero jobs and green career pathways across all sectors, including construction. As part of the campaign, careers platform Talentview Construction (TVC) spoke to sustainability experts from across the sector about what their work involves.

Green Careers Week - Every job is a green job
The first ever Green Careers Week takes place this month. The aim of the campaign, which runs from November 07-12 is to shine a light on green career pathways. CITB has just published a dynamic Net Zero Action Plan which looks at the construction skills needs of the future

Strong leadership key to reaching sustainability goals
I once heard that 80% of carbon emissions created across the world come from businesses. That's a startling statistic. It shows why business and political leaders must be responsible and help make the world a greener, safer place.

Pembrokeshire’s Future Stone Masons
In March and May, 19 young people learning construction at Pembrokeshire College undertook ten-day courses as an Introduction to Traditional Stone Masonry. The courses were financed by Pembroke Town Walls Trust as part of their project to develop a long-term management plan for restoring the town’s medieval walls, and funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal fund, managed by Pembrokeshire County Council.

CITB makes Scottish investment to increase and retain new talent
CITB is investing £3m into Scottish construction to support individuals at the start of their career and increase job retention.

CITB Chief Executive Tim Balcon joins Skills for a Sustainable Skyline Taskforce
CITB Chief Executive Tim Balcon is one of 15 construction industry leaders on a new Skills for a Sustainable Skyline Taskforce.

Scottish construction leaders work together to improve digital capability of the sector
Working alongside other trade bodies and professional associations in Scotland, CITB has supported the creation of a helpful guide for SME businesses.

Industry leaders wanted for trustee roles on the CITB board
The construction sector is leading the way in helping the UK economy bounce back from the pandemic and the Construction Industry Training board (CITB) is now looking for industry leaders to join its board. In this voluntary role you will help shape the future of construction as the industry works to meet the skills gap and the drive to Net Zero whilst gaining high level public body experience first hand.
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