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Procurement pilots set to save contractors and supply chain SMEs £25m
CITB and construction employers are piloting four schemes to improve procurement practices for homebuilding and infrastructure projects set to achieve £25m savings.

From salon to site: Gina's journey
23-year-old Gina Gray had once dreamed of becoming a hairdresser but now tells her story on how she got into construction.

Skills Olympics takes Team UK to Russia
Team UK returned from the 'Skills Olympics' placing 12th out of 63 countries and took home 15 Medallions of Excellence.

Stars of the Future
NCC apprentices from this year’s CPA Stars of the Future Awards discuss what winning means to them and their plans for the future.

Statement on the resignation of Anne Milton MP from government
CITB chief executive Sarah Beale has paid tribute to outgoing Education Minister Anne Milton MP.

Sarah Beale awarded UWTSD honorary fellowship
CITB Chief Executive Sarah Beale has received an honorary fellowship from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD).

CITB launches Brickwork Academy to tackle national skills shortage
We've launched an innovative new Brickwork Academy to help address a national shortage of bricklayers.

Offsite construction to go mainstream with £1.2m CITB investment
Offsite construction is going mainstream with the biggest expansion in teaching materials so far.

Reasons why you should hire an apprentice
Following the success of National Apprenticeship Week, we spoke to employers across the country to find out why apprentices work for them.
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