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Parker scoops gold with help from CITB

Investors in People rank Parker Plant in the top 20 management organisations in the world in their award level

Skills Olympics takes Team UK to Russia

Team UK returned from the 'Skills Olympics' placing 12th out of 63 countries and took home 15 Medallions of Excellence.

Consultation on 1,000 construction training standards

CITB is embarking on its biggest ever consultation, with industry views sought from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (via CITBNI).

Bricklayer Ifan is building for the future with bilingual apprenticeships

Bricklayer Ifan Williams is a role model and bilingual apprenticeship ambassador for the CITB in Wales after winning a series of gold, silver and bronze medals in competitions over the past three years.

Sarah Beale awarded UWTSD honorary fellowship

CITB Chief Executive Sarah Beale has received an honorary fellowship from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD).

CITB forecast: Wales to lead UK construction growth

Welsh construction is set to grow faster than any other part of the UK, according to the latest forecast by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) released today.

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