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Invest to save skills from being lost – CITB forecast

Government investment is needed to support skills in the coming year to prevent a generation of talent being lost, CITB outlines today as it publishes a new construction industry forecast.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 29 October 2020

The outlook for the future has been, understandably, hard to predict, but today we can provide a snapshot of how we think the next five years will look like through a new Construction Skills Network Industry (CSN) Outlook for 2021-25, published today.

Thousands more people into Scottish construction - CITB's Strategic Plan 2021-25

Supporting training and retraining to rebuild after the recovery, improving productivity and making it easier to help employers bring in apprentices and other new entrants to Scottish construction are key elements of CITB’s Strategic Plan, launched today.

Thousands more people into Welsh construction – CITB’s Strategic Plan 2021-25

Supporting training and retraining to rebuild after the recovery, improving productivity and making it easier to help employers bring in apprentices and other new entrants to Welsh construction are key elements of CITB’s Strategic Plan.

Tens of thousands more into construction – CITB’s Strategic Plan 2021-25

Supporting training and retraining to rebuild after the recovery, improving productivity and making it easier to help employers bring in apprentices and other new entrants are key elements of CITB’s Strategic Plan, launched today.

Thousands more SMEs set to pay no CITB Levy for 2021; CITB confirms halving of Levy rates

Thousands of construction SMEs are set to pay no Levy at all for 2021-22, under new CITB proposals submitted to the Government this week.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 10 September 2020

Today’s email contains details about CITB’s Levy Proposals and Strategic Plan, as well as an update on the Leadership and Management Fund.

Construction needs breathing space on post-Brexit visas

According to our research report, Migration and Construction, only 3% of construction employers have the necessary experience in handling visa applications

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