Governance documents
The Industrial Training Act 1982
Statutory Overview (PDF, 146KB)
The Scope Order 1992 (PDF, 171KB)
Reasonable Steps Regulations 2008 (PDF, 120KB)
CITB Governance Structure (PDF, 59KB)
Board governing documents
CITB Board Standing Orders (PDF, 188KB)
Board Scheme of Delegation (currently being updated)
Financial Delegation (currently being updated)
Terms of reference
2024-25 Nomination, Appointments and Remuneration Committee: Terms of reference (PDF, 228KB)
2024-25 Nation Councils: Terms of Reference (PDF, 220KB)
2024-25 Levy Strategy Committee: Terms of reference (PDF, 308KB)
2024-25 Audit and Risk Committee: Terms of reference (PDF, 237KB)
2024-25 Industry Funding Committee: Terms of reference (PDF, 204KB)
2024-25 National Construction College and Apprenticeships Committee: Terms of reference (PDF, 249KB)
Code of conduct
Code of Conduct for Board Trustees & Committee Members (PDF, 179KB)
Code of Conduct for National Councils (PDF, 111KB)
Charitable status and trustee duties
This page provides statutory overview, the legislation related to CITB, and useful regulatory and scope documents as PDF files.
We have also provided PDFs of our governance structure, documents and included terms of reference for our committees, nation councils and board of trustees.
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