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South West

Find details of local industry events, support, networks and contact information

CITB Advisers can support and guide you in terms of accessing CITB training, grants, funding and apprenticeships. In addition, they can signpost you to other sources of support, help and advice, including local partners and networks, for example LEPs, Growth Hubs and local initiatives.

Please find their contact information in the location links below

Contact your local adviser

Georgia Rowland
Tel: 07435 184810

Support to grow your business

West of England Growth Hub

The West of England Growth Hub supports businesses across the region to innovate, grow and thrive. The Growth Hub offers support with: employment, finance, adoption of technology, skills, marketing, intellectual property (IP), exporting, and statutory regulations.

Call: 0117 456 6955
Email: wearegrowth@westofengland-ca.gov.uk
Website: www.wearegrowth.co.uk

Financial support and services to help you recruit and train staff

Workforce For The Future

Workforce For The Future is a range of services offered via a number of local organisations, to help local SMEs in the area to identify your current and future skills needs, and to assist you with things like recruiting and training apprentices, engaging with local schools, and accessing training and resources to help develop your employees.

Request a call back today, for more information

Training groups in your area

Avon Construction Training Group is a not for profit organisation with members from Bristol, Bath, South Gloucestershire, and North Somerset. Member benefits include:

  • support of the Group Training Officer & Group Development Officer
  •  local courses (often at discounted prices)
  • courses specifically run for members, where there is a demand
  • breakfast seminars with topical subjects often driven by members requirements
  • portal to CITB locally held meetings keeping you involved and a chance to have your say
  • your voice at industry meetings.

The Training Group can be contacted at www.actgltd.co.uk

The Oak Frame Training Forum is a specialist training group which has been formed by The Carpenters’ Fellowship. Its aim is to provide training for those employed within the timber framing industry. The OFTF aims are:

  • To provide skills training in oak framing and its associated trades and activities.
  • To provide routes to qualification for those employed within the industry.
  • To provide assistance and support to members in regard to their training and H&S requirements.
  • To organise building projects that will benefit communities and charitable causes.
  • To organise events with lectures, workshops and seminars and to bring together those involved, directly or indirectly, with timber framing
  • To showcase this form of construction and bring the skills & professionalism found within this sector to the attention of the wider construction industry and the public.

OFTF HQ is based just outside Bristol, and this is where the majority of the training is held. It also has access to buildings of historical importance in Bristol, and apprentices have the opportunity to work at 16 King Street, a timber-framed building which dates back to the 1660s.

The group can be contacted at http://oftf.org.uk

Training projects funded by CITB

Constructing Lives Together – CITB-funded On Site Experience Hub

Onsite Experience hubs are designed to provide a one-stop recruitment solution for construction employers. By linking together employers, training providers, local authorities, LEPs, community agencies and other partners, hubs enable the development of employment and site-ready people from local communities. The project leads are Willmott Dixon and Weston College and you can contact the project.

Contact your local customer engagement advisers


Justine Simpson
Tel: 07920 370284
Email: justine.simpson@citb.co.uk

Support to grow your business

West of England Growth Hub

The West of England Growth Hub supports businesses across the region to innovate, grow and thrive.  The Growth Hub offers support with: employment, finance, adoption of technology, skills, marketing, intellectual property (IP), exporting, and statutory regulations.

Financial support and services to help you recruit and train staff

Workforce For The Future

Workforce For The Future is a range of services offered via a number of local organisations, to help local SMEs in the area to identify your current and future skills needs, and to assist you with things like recruiting and training apprentices, engaging with local schools, and accessing training and resources to help develop your employees.

Request a call back today, for more information

Future Bright

Future Bright offers free career coaching, training and support, to help individuals develop their skills.  The service is free to those living in the West of England, aged 18 or over, in paid work (including self-employment or on a zero-hours contract), and receiving benefits or tax credits.

For more information email:

Training groups in your area

Avon Construction Training Group

Avon Construction Training Group is a not for profit organisation with members from Bristol, Bath, South Gloucestershire, and North Somerset. Member benefits include:

  • support of the Group Training Officer & Group Development Officer
  • local courses (often at discounted prices)
  • courses specifically run for members, where there is a demand
  • breakfast seminars with topical subjects often driven by members requirements
  • portal to CITB locally held meetings keeping you involved and a chance to have your say
  • your voice at industry meetings.

The Training Group can be contacted at www.actgltd.co.uk

The Oak Frame Training Forum

The Oak Frame Training Forum is a specialist training group which has been formed by The Carpenters’ Fellowship. Its aim is to provide training for those employed within the timber framing industry.  The OFTF aims are:

  • to provide skills training in oak framing and its associated trades and activities
  • to provide routes to qualification for those employed within the industry
  • to provide assistance and support to members in regard to their training and H&S requirements
  • to organise building projects that will benefit communities and charitable causes
  • to organise events with lectures, workshops and seminars and to bring together those involved, directly or indirectly, with timber framing
  • to showcase this form of construction and bring the skills & professionalism found within this sector to the attention of the wider construction industry and the public.

OFTF HQ is based just outside Bristol, and this is where the majority of the training is held.  It also has access to buildings of historical importance in Bristol, and apprentices have the opportunity to work at 16 King Street, a timber-framed building which dates back to the 1660s.

The group can be contacted at http://oftf.org.uk 

Training projects funded by CITB

Constructing Lives Together – CITB-funded On Site Experience Hub

Onsite Experience hubs are designed to provide a one-stop recruitment solution for construction employers. By linking together employers, training providers, local authorities, LEPs, community agencies and other partners, hubs enable the development of employment and site-ready people from local communities.  The project leads are Willmott Dixon and Weston College and you can contact the project here.

Contact your CITB customer engagement adviser

Karen Blacklaw
Tel: 07775 805033

Support to grow your business

The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth & Skills Hub

Working with local businesses, including self employed people and not for profit organisations to find the right guidance and support to help businesses work smarter, develop and grow.


Financial support and services to help you recruit and train staff 

Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) helps support small & medium-sized businesses to upskill their employees with training courses & qualifications to grow their business and boost the local economy. 


Cornwall College Business has secured funding from the European Social Fund, Employer Led Skills (ELS) project, to deliver construction NVQ’s via On-Site Assessment & Training (OSAT). The project is aimed at small to medium size businesses with fewer than 250 employers, the self-employed and for those recently made redundant. 


Training groups in the area 

Cornwall Construction Training Group 

Key contact:Paula Hutchens TG Chair: Website: http://www.cornwalltraininggroup.co.uk  

Cornwall Construction Training Group is funded by CITB to ensure robust and vitally important training is undertaken throughout the County.  

  • We pass on reduced training rates to our members up to 50% of the cost 
  • We organise and negotiate training to suit your needs with our preferred suppliers 
  • We host and organise events throughout the year so you can network with other companies. 

Training Projects sponsored by CITB 

Piloting the Deployment of ISO18404 in the Construction Sector 

This successful project developed a programme to accredit organisations in the British Standards Institution ISO18404 for Lean Construction.  

One organisation received the accreditation, and a best practice case study was developed to support other employers through the process. 

Find out more about the project here 

Contact your CITB customer engagement adviser

Lisa Lawrence
Tel: 07881 332880
Email: lisa.lawrence@citb.co.uk

Contact your CITB customer engagement adviser

April Dally
Tel: 07917 580659
Email: april.dally@citb.co.uk

Support to grow your business

Gloucestershire Growth Hub

The Growth Hub is a fully funded business support programme to help growing Gloucestershire businesses.

From one-to-one advice and support, to a range of expert led events and access to online resources.

All local businesses can work and network in The Growth Hubs open space.

Contact the Growth Hub:

You can also arrange face-to-face meetings with the Growth Hub team at the local hub offices in:

You can also sign up to their newsletter for all the latest programmes, updates and workshops.

Help to train and retain staff

Check out CITB Skills and training fund and other grant options for courses to help train your workforce.

Training groups in your area

Gloucestershire Training Group

We have one Training Group in Gloucestershire covering a range of construction employers and their training needs. It provides a range of benefits:

  • support of the Group Training Officer and Group Development Officer
  • local courses, quite often at discounted prices
  • courses specifically run for members where there is a demand
  • breakfast seminars with topical subjects often driven by members requirements
  • portal to CITB locally held meetings keeping you involved and a chance to have your say
  • your voice at industry meetings

Find out more

Contact your CITB customer engagement adviser

William Campbell
Tel: 07884 756506

Training groups near you

In addition to the larger trade training groups listed on our website there are specific training groups which cover construction training in your area.


The Hampshire Construction Training Association is an independent not for profit organisation, made up of Construction Employers, large and small, just like you, based in Hampshire.


Contact your CITB customer engagement adviser

Jacquee Say
Tel: 07917 556997
Email: jacquee.say@citb.co.uk

What's happening in your area

There are currently no local employer events for this area. Details of forthcoming events will be published as soon as they become available.

Support to grow your business

The Solent LEP Growth Hub is a free service and acts as a first point of contact for all your business support related queries.

We have a network of Solent and national organisations, both from the public and private sectors that can assist you in achieving in your goal.

Contact the Solent LEP growth hub

Help to recruit, train and retain staff

Most district, borough and unitary authorities have an economic Development Office who provide a business support service to their local community. This support includes advice and funding for recruiting and training staff. Check your relevant council website:

Training groups near you

In addition to the larger trade training groups listed on our website there are specific training groups which cover construction training in your area.


The Hampshire Construction Training Association is an independent not for profit organisation, made up of Construction Employers, large and small, just like you, based in Hampshire.


The Isle of Wight Construction Training Group

This is an employer-led group; based on the Isle of Wight who aim to support member companies undertaking work in all areas of the building environment.

The aim of the IWCTG is to allow members the opportunity to engage in high quality training and promote the achievement of industry recognised qualifications.


Contact your local adviser

Florence Hale
Tel: 07825 421068
Email: florence.hale@citb.co.uk

Support to grow your business

West of England Growth Hub

The West of England Growth Hub supports businesses across the region to innovate, grow and thrive. The Growth Hub offers support with: employment, finance, adoption of technology, skills, marketing, intellectual property (IP), exporting, and statutory regulations.

Call: 0117 456 6955
Email: wearegrowth@westofengland-ca.gov.uk
Website: www.wearegrowth.co.uk

This is external support which Construction companies can access in addition to CITB support.

Training groups in the area

Somerset Construction Training Group is a not for profit organisation with members from Bristol, Bath, South Gloucestershire, and North Somerset. Member benefits include:

  • support of the Group Training Officer & Group Development Officer
  • local courses (often at discounted prices)
  • courses specifically run for members, where there is a demand
  • breakfast seminars with topical subjects often driven by members requirements
  • portal to CITB locally held meetings keeping you involved and a chance to have your say
  • your voice at industry meetings.

The Training Group can be contacted at www.somersetconstructiontraining.co.uk

Contact your CITB customer engagement adviser

Darren Murrish
Tel: 07500 124051
Email: Darren.murrish@citb.co.uk 

My name is Darren Murrish and I joined CITB in September 2016. I was an Apprenticeship Officer for just over 4 years, helping Apprentices through their training as well as supporting businesses with recruitment for roles.

Support to grow your business

Building Greater Exeter

Building Greater Exeter is focussed on supporting the Construction sector across Exeter and East Devon. They will look to support to recruit, train and maintain a workforce.

Heart of the South West LEP

The Heart of the South West LEP’s Plan to Build Back Better sets out the transformational opportunities in the Heart of the South West area that will unlock investment, create more and better jobs and delivery prosperity and resilience through clean and inclusive growth. The plan is rooted in the ambitious vision of our Local Industrial Strategy.

Financial support and services to help you recruit and train staff

Government incentive grants

There are currently incentive Grants to take on an apprentice from the Government of up to £4000.

CITB Apprenticeship Grants

CITB offer grants for taking on apprentices.


Bootcamps are specialist training to help individuals learn more about construction and trades for up to 16 weeks and anyone completing the scheme will be guaranteed an interview.

Kickstart scheme

The Kickstart Scheme helps employers by providing funding to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds who are at risk of long term unemployment.

This Government will pay:

  • 100% of National Minimum Wage for 25 hours for a total of 6 months.
  • Associated employer NI contributions.
  • Employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions.

Plus a grant of £1,500 for setup and training costs.

Training groups in your area

The main objective of training groups is to offer members cost effective training in areas and times that suit, contact the Devon Construction Training Group for more information.

Contact your local adviser

Angus Hamilton
Tel: 07876 790029
Email: Angus.hamilton@citb.co.uk

I am your local Engagement adviser covering the South Devon and Plymouth area, I have worked for CITB for over 15 years so have a great deal of knowledge about all things CITB, as I am a local person I have a good understanding of the particular nature of construction in the South West. I am always happy to set up a meeting either face-to-face or over Microsoft Teams to go through any issues you might be having.

Support to grow your business

Heart of the South West Growth Hub

The Heart of the South West Growth Hub is there to support business across Somerset and Devon to provide the resources to help them grow, businesses are able to get free impartial advice and access a variety of business support programs.

Areas of support are: Starting up, developing and growing your business, finance, digital and ICT, Sales and Marketing and Legal to name but a few.

Website: https://www.heartofswgrowthhub.co.uk/
Email: info@heartofswgrowthhub.co.uk
Phone: 03456 047 047

Financial support and services to help you recruit and train staff

Building Plymouth - a council-led partnership that connects local people with career opportunities in the world of construction and the built environment.

Website: https://www.buildingplymouth.co.uk/
Email: hello@buildingplymouth.co.uk
Phone: 01752 308 751

Sherford Skills Hub - Open to all, the scheme is designed to help provide people with the skills needed to those wanting to pursue a career in construction. Participants learn at Sherford’s revolutionary onsite training centre. There is tuition in various areas of construction, including groundworks, roofing, carpentry, plastering, plumbing and bricklaying. Trainees will also gain practical experience knowledge of health and safety, large scale development processes and on-site communication.

Email: sricketts@cityplym.ac.uk
Phone: 07812 732403

Training groups in your area

Devon Construction Training Group

Subsidised Training courses arranged by us to meet Members' needs whenever possible.

A chance to contribute to DCT, the courses and workshops we organise, events we may run, attend meetings and even join our Executive Committee.

Access to our Training Officer who will endeavour to assist you with any specific training issues.

Help your company to maintain good working and safety standards through training.

Ease, particularly for smaller companies, what can be a time consuming and costly effort to arrange training.

Website: https://www.devonconstructiontraining.co.uk/
Email: info@devonconstructiontraining.co.uk
Phone: 07399 513971

Plymouth Construction Training Group

The primary function being to provide access to training for local construction companies, share knowledge and to give advice and guidance throughout the industry to raise standards of training. Going forward, the strategy of the group is to retain existing membership and recruit new members

They support businesses by identifying suitable training, then sourcing it locally at subsidised rates for members. We have also had additional funding for the last three years to offer additional discounts to members.

Training is provided in the following areas:

  • Health & Safety
  • Apprenticeships
  • Craft Trades & Operatives, and
  • Management & Supervisory.

Website: https://www.pctg.co.uk/

Training projects funded by CITB

We are currently starting to set up an exciting new project called the Bricklaying Traineeship working with the Association of Brickwork Contractors to encourage new talent into this trade area.

Contact your CITB customer engagement adviser

Jacqui Rawlings
Tel: 07765 336916
Email: Jacqueline.rawlings@citb.co.uk

Jacqui is the CITB Adviser for Swindon & Wiltshire supporting all Construction employers in the area providing support and guidance.

Support to grow your business

Swindon Growth Hub

The Growth Hub is a fully funded business support programme to help growing Swindon and Wiltshire businesses.

From one-to-one advice and support, to a range of expert led events and access to online resources.
All local businesses can work and network in The Growth Hubs open space.

Contact the Growth Hub:

Tel: 01793 698005
Email: hello@SWGrowthHub.co.uk
Website: https://growthhub.swlep.co.uk/

You can also sign up to their newsletter for all the latest programmes, updates and workshops.

Financial support and services to help you recruit and train staff

Check out CITB Skills and Training fund and other grant options for courses to help train your workforce.

Training groups in your area

There are no training groups which focus on Swindon, but you will find training groups nearby in CITB's list of training groups by region.

Employer success stories



Training projects funded by CITB

Onsite experience hubs - England

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Find out how local employers can benefit from taking on an apprentice for a short duration in our Shared Apprenticeship Scheme

Find out more about the National Skills Academy for Construction, led by CITB and approved by industry

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