Canlyniadau Chwilio
Chwilio am newyddion a digwyddiadau
Newyddion lleol a digwyddiadau
Canfuwyd 165 o erthyglau
Defnyddiwch yr hidlwyr chwilio ar yr ochr dde i leihau’r canlyniadau.
Cliciwch yma i ddychwelyd i'r dudalen penawdau newyddion.

Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 7 April 2021
This week we launch the Nation Plans, detailing skills priorities for England, Scotland and Wales. There is also a reminder that the deadline is this Sunday to have your say in our Levy proposals consultation, and news that hundreds of Level 3 qualifications are now free for some adults as part of a Government initiative.

Carillion, COVID-19 and site carpentry: an apprentice's progress
Neither COVID-19 lockdowns nor the collapse of Carillion have stopped Level 3 site carpentry apprentice Cezary Poniatowski from succeeding in his construction career.

Cyflogwyr adeiladu Cymru ‒ mae angen eich help ar CITB!
Employers - this is your chance to shape construction education in Wales. We want your feedback on how construction qualifications due to be introduced in September 2021 should look.

Miloedd mwy o bobl i’r diwydiant adeiladu Cymreig - Cynllun Strategol CITB 2021-25
Mae cefnogi hyfforddiant ac ailhyfforddi i ailgodi ar ôl yr adferiad, gwella cynhyrchiant a’i gwneud yn haws i gyflogwyr ddod â phrentisiaid a darpar-weithwyr eraill i mewn i’r diwydiant adeiladu Cymreig yn elfennau allweddol o Gynllun Strategol CITB, a lansiwyd heddiw.
Sut wnaethon ni heddiw? Rhoi adborth