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Found 158 funded projects. Funded projects are sorted in the most recent first.
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- BeResilient
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Changing industry culture, Productivity and new ways of working, Learning resources, New qualifications and courses, Small employer support, Leadership and managementProject lead:National Federation of BuildersAmount awarded:£145,401Project summary:This project will increase awareness and understanding amongst small employers of the importance of organisational resilience; develop the skills and capacity to implement it with five employers and develop an approach, which enables the effective implementation of organisational resilience across the sector, which can be sustained beyond the life of this project.
The project will develop learning materials and toolkits to BS6500 standards, and pilot these in the sector.
After the project, the gap analysis tool will be freely available for organisations to map their resilience and identify training tools to address the gaps. The project will have piloted organisations adopting the 'BeResilient' framework and will share its learning on best practice in doing so.
- Building Mental Health
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Changing industry culture, Small employer support, Leadership and managementProject lead:Laing O'RourkeAmount awarded:£1,000,000Project summary:The project will increase the awareness of mental health within the construction sector by training 288 Mental Health first Aid practitioners (instructors) who in turn will train two-day mental health First Aiders within the sector.
The project will establish a strong framework of instructors and mental health first aiders that will help tackle this increasing issue within the construction sector. In addition the programme will see attitudes to first aid improve and the stigma reduce and workers being able to discuss their mental health. - Factors Practice (HFP) in the UK Construction & Built Environment
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Productivity and new ways of working, Digital and new technology, Learning resourcesProject lead:SBFAmount awarded:£22,000Project summary:The project will produce a research paper on Human Factors Practice (HFP) for specific use within the UK Construction & Built Environment (CBE) sector. HFP is closely linked to leadership and management skills. The paper will conclude with recommendations.
- Passivhaus and Low Energy Buildings - Online Training
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Learning resources, Sectors and roles, Productivity and new ways of workingProject lead:Green Building StoreAmount awarded:£81,050Project summary:The design and production of 11 e-learning modules around the subjects area of Passivhaus and the Performance Gap.
These E-learning resources will be fully interactive and will help to improve productivity around the performance gap.
- Project CONVERT (Immersive Learning)
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Learning resources, Small employer support, Digital and new technologyProject lead:Construction Wales Innovation CentreAmount awarded:£1,404,000Project summary:The project will deliver a real-world GB-wide infrastructure that will deliver immersive learning to the industry in a sustainable and scalable way. This will be completed through six focused delivery Hubs across three nations, located at:
1. Leeds College of Building
2. Construction Wales Innovation Centre
3. Construction Scotland Innovation Centre
4. Dudley College
5. Waltham Forest Construction Innovation Centre
6. Bridgewater & Taunton College
Through these Hubs, the project will deliver four Strands of interventions to 2,440 learners which will reduce error, accident rates and time/cost factors in delivering training. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) modules will be developed across the following work streams delivered in each Hub:
1. Working at height/scaffolding using VR
2. Building de-construction using BIM and VR
3. Wood/paint-spraying machines with AR
4. Surveying using drones in a VR space.
This will be supported by a 'train-the-trainer' programme to deliver immersive learning in the industry, as well as the development of a bespoke learner management system.
At the end of the project, the six hubs will act as centres of excellence where industry can walk in with a training need, be upskilled on how to use immersive technologies, develop immersive learning solutions and access immersive training through the hardware and content funded by CITB. - Tackling the Gender Pay Gap – Progression for Women in Construction
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Changing industry culture, Leadership and managementProject lead:BAM NuttallAmount awarded:£122,569Project summary:The 2018 Gender Pay Gap reports for Construction showed that women earn 21.8% less than men on average. Women into Construction will work with Bam Nutall, Bouygues, Ardmore Construction, other Tier 1 construction companies and their supply chains to identify barriers, challenge employers’ working practices, behaviours and cultural norms.
WiC will deliver advice and guidance, training and mentoring to support low-paid female construction workers progress into better paid, more secure employment in the future
- Timber Component Installation Interactive Learning Tools
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Productivity and new ways of working, Digital and new technology, Learning resourcesProject lead:BWFAmount awarded:£38,000Project summary:This project will create 3 x fully interactive learning tools to address errors and defects in the following key areas;
- Timber staircase installation
- Timber fire door assembly and door set installation
- Timber window installation.
The project will pilot the learning with BWF members and then be made widely available across industry.
- Using Levy funds to deliver common training across the industry
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Learning resourcesProject lead:Northamptonshire contractors training groupAmount awarded:£50,000Project summary:The project will tackle skills shortages and increase the amount of training activity within Northamptonshire by providing the most common training programmes at a flat rate of £10 per course to employers. The project will take place in Northamptonshire only and will utilise collective buying power to achieve cost savings for participants of the scheme.
- World class skills for off-site construction (improving skills for off-site construction)
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Productivity and new ways of working, Digital and new technology, Learning resources, New qualifications and coursesProject lead:Manufacturing Technology CentreAmount awarded:£752,750Project summary:The project will develop targeted, innovative, quality-assured training that delivers standardised skills and knowledge for off-site manufacturing and assembly in construction. It will use a range of blended learning solutions that draw from and build upon existing content.
Resources will be made freely available on the Supply Chain Sustainability School (SCSS) platform along with the skills diagnostic tool and trainer upskilling resources, underpinned by SCSS learner management systems.
After the project MTC will achieve scalability of the developed materials through the networks within partners National Open College Network (NOCN) and Supply Chain School NOCN will disseminate through its network of 600 providers, quality assure the materials and commit to maintaining them for at least two years after the project. Industry training materials on offsite will be freely available through the Supply Chain School website. - Assessment Infrastructure (commission) - Assessing from Industry
Funding theme:
Training and development
Funding topic:Productivity and new ways of working, Sectors and rolesProject lead:Cathedral Training LtdAmount awarded:£33,350Project summary:The project will identify and upskill onsite assessors in the small and medium-sized enterprise community. This will support the development of assessment infrastructure for the demolition, plant and plastering industries across Great Britain.
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