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Found 61 funded projects. Funded projects are sorted in the most recent first.
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- Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital future (Giving leaders the skills to drive digital change)
Funding theme:
Training and development
Funding topic:Changing industry culture, Learning resources, New qualifications and courses, Productivity and new ways of working, Small employer support, Leadership and managementProject lead:National Federation of BuildersAmount awarded:£103,767Project summary:The project will deliver digital change in construction companies by upskilling leaders by developing three leadership training programmes that adopt an action learning approach.
This method delivers change through achievable cycles of learn / test / do / review that allow leaders to undertake gradual stages of digital adoption, learn through the process but also taking practical steps to digitalise during the training. These programmes will increase adaptive capability and approaches to unlock and exploit digital opportunities within the sector.Each training programme is proposed to be accredited with ILM at L3 (team level); L5 (departmental level); L7 (organisational level). The project aims to ensure training is eligible for grant funding as an exit strategy. 48 construction companies will each put two leaders through the programme. This will help to unlock digital change at strategic and operational levels of a business.
After the project participating employers will have taken measurable steps to digitalisation. The qualifications will be available for industry to access and benefit from. NFB will follow process to ensure they are eligible for grant funding.
- Building Mental Health MHFA Instructors CPD Awareness Training
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Changing industry culture, Productivity and new ways of working, Small employer support, Leadership and managementProject lead:Laing O RourkeAmount awarded:£105,400Project summary:This project will allow the 288 Instructors trained through the Building Mental Health MHFA Instructor Training Programme currently funded by CITB to attend CPD Mental Health Awareness training with MHFA England.
It will allow the instructors to deliver the full suite of mental health training within their organisations/subcontractors to maximise their effectiveness.
- Modernise Specialist Applied Skills Programme (SAP)
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Digital and new technology, New qualifications and courses, Small employer support, Learning resourcesProject lead:DSAAmount awarded:£140,228Project summary:This project will redevelop and deliver the Drilling and Sawing Association Specialist Applied Programme to meet the needs of millennials that are considering a career within the Construction Industry.
It will use the introduction of new technologies, such as, E-Learning platforms to include Digital imaging (videos & presentations), Functional Skills and App's to support learning and portfolio building to enhance the engagement of newcomers into the industry.
- Asbestos in soil E-learning training package
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Digital and new technology, Learning resources, New qualifications and coursesProject lead:KierAmount awarded:£55,240Project summary:- To develop e-training modules as part of training for people who will knowingly disturb asbestos, that is doing non-licensable work (NLW) and the annual refresher training. It can be used as a standalone training tool and also complementary to current format of training that most people is receiving.
- To develop a way to assess the impact of the e-training after it is launched.
- Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital future (Giving leaders the skills to drive digital change)
Funding theme:
Training and development
Funding topic:Changing industry culture, Productivity and new ways of working, Digital and new technology, Learning resources, Leadership and managementProject lead:National Federation of BuildersAmount awarded:£103,767Project summary:The project will deliver digital change in construction companies by upskilling leaders by developing three leadership training programmes that adopt an action learning approach.
This method delivers change through achievable cycles of learn / test / do / review that allow leaders to undertake gradual stages of digital adoption, learn through the process but also taking practical steps to digitalise during the training. These programmes will increase adaptive capability and approaches to unlock and exploit digital opportunities within the sector.
Each training programme is proposed to be accredited with ILM at L3 (team level); L5 (departmental level); L7 (organisational level). The project aims to ensure training is eligible for grant funding as an exit strategy. 48 construction companies will each put two leaders through the programme. This will help to unlock digital change at strategic and operational levels of a business.
After the project participating employers will have taken measurable steps to digitalisation. The qualifications will be available for industry to access and benefit from. NFB will follow process to ensure they are eligible for grant funding.
- BeResilient
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Changing industry culture, Productivity and new ways of working, Learning resources, New qualifications and courses, Small employer support, Leadership and managementProject lead:National Federation of BuildersAmount awarded:£145,401Project summary:This project will increase awareness and understanding amongst small employers of the importance of organisational resilience; develop the skills and capacity to implement it with five employers and develop an approach, which enables the effective implementation of organisational resilience across the sector, which can be sustained beyond the life of this project.
The project will develop learning materials and toolkits to BS6500 standards, and pilot these in the sector.
After the project, the gap analysis tool will be freely available for organisations to map their resilience and identify training tools to address the gaps. The project will have piloted organisations adopting the 'BeResilient' framework and will share its learning on best practice in doing so.
- Passivhaus and Low Energy Buildings - Online Training
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Learning resources, Sectors and roles, Productivity and new ways of workingProject lead:Green Building StoreAmount awarded:£81,050Project summary:The design and production of 11 e-learning modules around the subjects area of Passivhaus and the Performance Gap.
These E-learning resources will be fully interactive and will help to improve productivity around the performance gap.
- Tackling the Gender Pay Gap – Progression for Women in Construction
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Changing industry culture, Leadership and managementProject lead:BAM NuttallAmount awarded:£122,569Project summary:The 2018 Gender Pay Gap reports for Construction showed that women earn 21.8% less than men on average. Women into Construction will work with Bam Nutall, Bouygues, Ardmore Construction, other Tier 1 construction companies and their supply chains to identify barriers, challenge employers’ working practices, behaviours and cultural norms.
WiC will deliver advice and guidance, training and mentoring to support low-paid female construction workers progress into better paid, more secure employment in the future
- Using Levy funds to deliver common training across the industry
Funding theme:
Funding topic:Learning resourcesProject lead:Northamptonshire contractors training groupAmount awarded:£50,000Project summary:The project will tackle skills shortages and increase the amount of training activity within Northamptonshire by providing the most common training programmes at a flat rate of £10 per course to employers. The project will take place in Northamptonshire only and will utilise collective buying power to achieve cost savings for participants of the scheme.
- Assessment Infrastructure (commission) - Building Quality Assessments
Funding theme:
Training and development
Funding topic:Productivity and new ways of working, Sectors and rolesProject lead:Four Construction Training GroupAmount awarded:£73,800Project summary:This project will increase the availability and quality of on-site assessment in the following areas:
- Passive Fire Protection
- Interior Systems, including: Dry Lining Boarding/Fixing/Finishing, Ceiling Fixing, Modular Demountable Partitioning
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