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1 - 50 of 370 search results for renew card where 18 match all words and 352 match some words.

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Card schemes

Learn about other recognised construction card schemes. Find information about applying for and renewing cards, including CSCS and CPCS.

How to get a CISRS card

What you need to gain a green, red, blue or gold CISRS scaffolder card, and the courses you can study at the National Construction College for each.

CISRS Operative Training Scheme (COTS)

This 1 day course is for people who are new to scaffolding. Existing CISRS Scaffolding Labourer (green) Card holders also need to take this course to renew their card every five years. The course teaches the basics of the industry and how to work

CISRS Scaffolder Refresher Course (2 days)

This course is for people looking to renew a CISRS Scaffolder card (blue) and a CISRS Advanced Scaffolder card (gold). This course will refresh your existing knowledge, make you fully aware of changes in legislation and good working practices, to

CISRS Operative Training Scheme (COTS)

This 1 day course is for people who are new to scaffolding. Existing CISRS Scaffolding Labourer (green) Card holders also need to take this course to renew their card every five years. The course teaches the basics of the industry and how to work

About the Health, safety and environment (HS&E) test

The CITB Health, safety and environment (HS&E) test is an important way for construction workers to show they can work safely. For employers, having workers who have passed the CITB HS&E test is assurance that their workforce can keep themselves an

NCC Courses

NCC also deliver one-day refresher courses to renew your SSSTS certificate before expiry. ... manager. The five-day course takes place at NCC and supports an industry-wide standard for health and safety on construction sites to supplement your

NCC Courses

NCC also deliver one-day refresher courses to renew your SSSTS certificate before expiry. ... manager. The five-day course takes place at NCC and supports an industry-wide standard for health and safety on construction sites to supplement your

NFDC course helps demolition managers remain 'eyes…

With the regulations affecting demolition in flux, the National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) wanted to make it easier for Demolition Managers to renew their Certificate of Competence of Demolition Operatives (CCDO) card.

East of England

Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in East of England

CISRS Advanced Scaffolding Inspection Training Scheme…

This course is for people who hold a CISRS Inspection Card (or previous equivalent) or a CISRS Scaffolder Card for at least two years, or hold a CISRS Advanced Scaffolder Card (blue card). You will learn the appropriate safety regulations and

CISRS Scaffolding Inspection Training Scheme (SITS)

This 3 day course is intended for CISRS Scaffold card holders or for inspection card renewals, and also for those responsible for inspecting and checking basic scaffolds for safe use, signing certificates and registers in accordance with statutory

Rail engineering and technical upskilling programme

The rail network is undergoing a significant upgrade investment in rail way lines which has increased the demands for skilled workers across the sector. The project will provide additional training for the existing workforce .

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Fraudulent Construction Scheme Cards [Fake Vs Genuine]

Construction scheme card fraud is a serious issue for the industry. We work closely with the police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to gather evidence to prosecute fraudulent behaviour and bring criminals to account. We are also committed to

AWS Test

Close site search×. Enter search term. Search the website. Menu Menu open and close. You are here:. Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, Peterborough, PE2 8TY. Registered in England and Wales Charity No 264289 and in Scotland Charity No SC044875. . in

On-site Assessment Workshop NCC

Assessment Services offers on-site assessment for experienced operatives, supervisors and managers. These assessments recognize existing skills, knowledge and experience against a nationally recognized qualification. Holding an NVQ enables you to

CISRS Scaffolding Part 1

This 10 day course is for people who have held a CISRS Trainee Scaffolder or Labourer card for six months. The course teaches the core skills of scaffolding. It covers how to safely erect, alter and dismantle basic scaffolding structures.

CISRS Advanced Scaffolding

This 10 day CISRS course is for people who hold the CISRS Scaffolder Card (blue card). You will learn how to safely erect, alter and dismantle complex scaffolding structures, working as part of a team.

CISRS Scaffolding Part 2

This 10 day course is for people who have spent at least six months on site since passing the CISRS Scaffolding part 1 course. You will learn how to safely erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding structures, working as part of a team.

Be FaIR accreditation

Construction employers who take up the Be FaIR Framework to use in their company, can also choose to be accredited under the framework. Getting accredited under the framework shows to both your employees as well as partners that you are serious

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This site, like many others, uses small files called Cookies which help us customise your experience.

What is Net Zero? | Net Zero Explained

To combat climate change, the UK became one of the first countries to commit to becoming net zero. But what is net zero, and what does it mean for construction?