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Insulated concrete formwork
This standard covers the process of training people who plan, install and then manage the concrete pour for insulated concrete formwork (ICF).
Cold weather concreting
This training standard is designed for candidates who are involved in the concreting operations. The focus is on realistic design and site preventative measures for concreting in cold weather, covering both short and long term damage mechanisms.
Concrete aggregates awareness
This training standard will enable trainees to develop their knowledge of aggregates, how and when they’re used, and the practical impacts and consequences of using different aggregates.
Concrete identity testing
This training standard is designed for candidates who undertake or supervise identity testing on site and to understand the significance of the test methods and assessment of results.
A: Legal and management
Get legal and management guidance for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
Specifying concrete and receiving onsite
The purpose of this standard is to provide candidates with the understanding needed for specifying concrete and receiving concrete onsite.
Concrete placing compacting and finishing
This training standard is designed to familiarise candidates with different methods of concrete transport and placing methods, best practice in compacting and finishing, and the influence of concrete mix design.
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Industrial concrete flooring: laser screed operator
This standard covers the training needed to start operating a laser screeding machine.
Introduction to concrete and its constituents
This training standard is an introduction to the constituents of concrete and their impact on the strength, durability, handling and placing of concrete.
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