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Available specialist applied-skills programmes (SAP)
The specialist applied-skills programmes (SAP) are 18-month long new entrant training programmes. The programmes lead to a vocational qualification (NVQ/SVQ), and are considered by trade associations and employers as 'sector apprenticeships'.
Leadership and Management Development Fund for large…
CITB can help you access up to £100,000 of funding for training to improve your business. The Leadership and Management Development Fund for large businesses is a non-competitive fund. It will enable large construction companies (with over to 250
Case studies - National Skills Academy for Construction
Learn from experienced National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) project leaders and co-ordinators about how to get it right.
Asbestos in soil E-learning training package
E-learning modules for asbestos in soil.
E: Environment
Get guidance on environment for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
CITB Wales update: Big rise in skills and training fund…
Welcome to CITB Wales' first quarterly update. This aim of this update is to provide information on our work and help you get the most from our services.
What is the NSAfC?
The National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) is a way of working that enables you to get the skills you need on site, on time.
D: High risk activities
Get high risk activities guidance for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
Requirements for ATOs
To become a CITB ATO, you will need to read the following requirements, and terms and conditions documents. You will also need to complete the respective forms of agreement.
Women in construction – changing the face of construction …
The project will address gender diversity in construction, focusing on Crossrail and Tideway and key construction projects in London and Birmingham.
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