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Formwork introduction
The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with an introduction to Formwork and its associated risks to health and safety and environment.
Steelfixing introduction
The purpose of training delivery against this standard is to provide candidates with knowledge and understanding of Steelfixing.
Trainee numbers survey 2003/2004
Trainee numbers survey 2003/2004
Trainee numbers survey 2001/2002
Trainee numbers survey 2001/2002
Trainee numbers survey 2002/2003
Trainee numbers survey 2002/2003
Insulated concrete formwork
This standard covers the process of training people who plan, install and then manage the concrete pour for insulated concrete formwork (ICF).
Concrete aggregates awareness
This training standard will enable trainees to develop their knowledge of aggregates, how and when they’re used, and the practical impacts and consequences of using different aggregates.
Assessor Infrastructure (commission) Scottish specialist…
This project sits under the commission for Assessor Infrastructure (Passive Fire)
Assessor infrastructure - Insulated Render and Cladding…
Build the skills capacity of the insulated render and cladding sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor training and certification: Development of…
An employer-led project to increase availability of on-site assessment provision in the Finishing sector, in Scotland and North England. This employer will upskill 3 employees to become qualified assessors through working in partnership with
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