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Assessment Infrastructure (commission) - Lifting Quality…
This project will allow assessors to train and develop in the areas of lifting operations, construction plant and demolition plant.
Timber frame competency award scheme online audit system
The project will expand on previous work completed and will produce a series of Timber Frame Competency Award Scheme booklets
Trainee numbers survey 2005/2006
Trainee numbers survey 2005/2006
Innovation, skills and productivity
Innovation, skills and productivity
Qualification achievements in construction
Qualification achievements in construction
Scottish construction skills survey
Scottish construction skills survey
Assessment Infrastructure (commission) - Finishing and…
This solution engages companies and the workforce in the finishes and interiors sector, by providing On-site Assessment and Training (OSAT) NVQs and identifying individuals as assessors working in conjunction with our training providers.
Skills provision committee update
Skills provision committee update
Construction training provider resilience
Construction training provider resilience
Evaluation of work readiness
Evaluation of work readiness
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