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191 - 200 of 256 search results for CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD CENTRE AGREEment where 13 match all words and 243 match some words.

Results that match 5 of 6 words

Members and supporters

View some of our partnership and associate members who uphold the CDP’s aim and objectives and assist in awareness raising and promoting control of the risks.

New campaign to change young people's minds about…

With 168,500 construction job opportunities being created by 2023, CITB has launched a new campaign to help get more young people on the tools. The industry needs to change the hearts and minds of under-25s to address the skills shortage, as 71% of

Tens of thousands more into construction – CITB’s…

Supporting training and retraining to rebuild after the recovery, improving productivity and making it easier to help employers bring in apprentices and other new entrants are key elements of CITB’s Strategic Plan, launched today.

CITB responds to Government announcement on Lifetime…

Today the government made the announcement that tens of thousands of adults in England will potentially benefit from almost 400 free courses from April 2021. The courses will be available to adults without a full qualification at Level 3 (A-level

Migration and UK Construction June 2023

After the referendum decision to leave the European Union (EU), CITB worked with industry to develop an evidence base, looking at how and why construction was using migrant workers, the key occupations they were working in and how employers planned