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Leadership and Management training with CITB
Leadership and management are key skills for all construction sites and an area where the industry has identified a need for greater support and training. CITB has a range of different resources from short course grants to funded ILM qualifications
Find a CITB Funded Training Group
CITB funds local, regional and specialist Training Groups that support a variety of employers across different trades. All Training Groups help employers access training that meets their needs.
Construction Employers Registration for Grants &…
Only complete this form if you believe your business is wholly or mainly engaged in construction industry activities, and you are an employer of PAYE and/or subcontractors.
Construction Skills Fund
Learn about the DfE funded on-site training hubs and how it will get people into construction jobs
How to complete your Levy Return
How to complete your Levy Return
New Entrant Support Team
New Entrant Support Team
How to become a Site Safety Plus (SSP) centre
Learn what you need to do to become a SSP centre
CITB highlights 2018
The launch of our bold, industry-backed, three- year Business Plan was one of many highlights during a busy reforming year for CITB.
Competence Frameworks feedback form
Please use the following form to submit your feedback and comments on the specific skills, knowledge, experience, behaviours, and anything else that extends beyond the current detail of the Competence Standard.
Photography Toolkit
Photography Toolkit
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