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Trowel occupations
This suite contains standards and Vocational Qualifications relating to: Bricklaying Brickwork Technician Heritage Brickwork.
Chimney occupations
This suite contains National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the occupational area of Chimney engineering
Travel to train booking form for Specialist…
Travel to train booking form for Specialist Applied-skills Programme
Long period qualifications eligible for a grant
The following technical and professional long period qualifications are eligible for a CITB grant (as at 25 June 2019).
Travel to train booking form for grant eligible…
Travel to train booking form for grant eligible apprentices.
Developing Digital Leadership Skills in Construction SMEs …
This project will help leaders of small and medium employers identify digital solutions that increase productivity by exploring repetitive, time consuming process and other areas of waste, and identify digital solutions. Solutions will be taken
Health and Safety Awareness course
This 1-day introductory course for health and safety is for people who are new to the construction and civil engineering industries. It teaches you the main health and safety issues on construction sites and how these affect your role.
Leading an NSAfC project
If you are leading or co-ordinating employment, training or skills development on a National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) project – or want to use the NSAfC way of working on an unaccredited project – this page will tell you about
Site Supervisors' Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS)…
This two-day SSSTS course is for site supervisors. You will learn about your legal responsibilities regarding health, safety, welfare and environmental issues.
Recruit an apprentice in England
How to recruit an apprentice in England and the support you can receive from CITB.
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