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Funding restrictions for the Structured fund
Please review the restrictions below carefully, to ensure your application will be eligible for funding.
Improving performance through better procurement…
“Performance through Procurement” brings together 11 of our Partners who are tier 1 contractors, their key supply chain members and client organisations to drive increased performance through the adoption of better procurement and supply chain
Supporting contracting businesses to use CNC within shop…
The project will address recent significant demand to utilise new technological advances in CNC machinery in Shopfitting, Interior Construction and Wood Machining sectors.
Increasing Employer Engagement in Higher Level and Degree …
The project will pilot employer engagement activities and individual support to potential new entrant apprentices with a priority focus on under-represented groups. Apprentices will be connected to construction employers and offered workplace site
World of work experience (WOWEx): the group placement…
The project will overcome the practical barriers to delivering work experience and increase the appeal of working within the industry by designing a week of work experience activity that any construction contractor can download and put into practice.
Specifying concrete and receiving onsite
The purpose of this standard is to provide candidates with the understanding needed for specifying concrete and receiving concrete onsite.
Supervision of concrete pumping operations
The purpose of this standard is to provide the knowledge and skills applicable to supervise and control concrete pumping operations and manage the associated risks.
Concrete placing compacting and finishing
This training standard is designed to familiarise candidates with different methods of concrete transport and placing methods, best practice in compacting and finishing, and the influence of concrete mix design.
Installing fire barriers and breaks
The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with the knowledge and skills to install fire barriers and breaks.
Sills, copings, cappings and junctions
The purpose of training against this standard is to give an overview of sills, copings, cappings and junctions in masonry construction.
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