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Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 7 October 2020
Supporting training through the recovery, retaining skilled workers and attracting new recruits is CITB's focus in the coming months.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 26 August 2020
Today’s email contains important information on grant changes; a reminder about the Construction Talent Retention Scheme; news of free mental wellbeing training; and, finally, proposed changes to CITB’s size and structure.
Think Build
The Think Build project is a pilot programme adapted from the award-winning Think Logistics programme set up in 2014 as a partnership between several logistics firms and the charity Career Ready.
Health and safety policy
See how CITB protects the health, safety, and wellbeing at work of all its employees
The economic outlook: CSN 2018 - 2022
The dip in UK construction growth and employment outlined in the Construction Skills Network (CSN) report for 2018 - 2022 was expected. The UK economy has slowed and complex Brexit negotiations are ongoing.
The 14 best things about a construction apprenticeship
Hundreds of thousands of students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have today (23 August) been receiving their long-awaited GCSE results and will now be planning their next steps. At CITB we love construction apprenticeships, so we’ve come
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 2 December 2020
I hope you’re having a good week as we enter December – and the start of the build-up to Christmas. Today’s email includes good news about the expansion of CITB’s apprenticeship support; details of our Training Group Survey and a vacancy on
Flexible Apprenticeships in Construction
Learn how flexibilities in apprenticeships can be used and delivered in construction – to meet the needs of employers and apprentices in England.
Who Should Register for Grants & Funding?
Definition of a construction employer and the trades classed as construction for the CITB levy
Request access to CTR for non-Levy registered employers
If you are a non-Levy registered employer who wants access to the Construction Training Register (CTR), complete this online form.
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