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Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 24 March 2020
Today's key messages are on support for apprentices, our new Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) app and information on a new employer support database.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 25 March 2020
Today's key messages are on: how employers can claim apprenticeship grants in advance and sharing signposting information for employers.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 26 March 2020
Today's key message is on the CITB’s decision to suspend industry levy collection.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 27 March 2020
Today's key messages are: repeating the important information about our levy suspension, take-up of advanced apprenticeship grants; the Government’s Self-employment income support scheme and CLC site operating procedures.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 30 March 2020
Today's key messages are on online Site Safety training and a checklist for Apprentice Safety on Site.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 31 March 2020
Today's key messages are on a Video Summary of our COVID-19 industry support packages to date and information on CITB’s Toolbox Talks.
Competence Frameworks feedback form
Please use the following form to submit your feedback and comments on the specific skills, knowledge, experience, behaviours, and anything else that extends beyond the current detail of the Competence Standard.
Construction Skills for Life (Pathways into Construction…
CS4L will provide a minimum of 1,500 engagement opportunities and a Pre-Employment course lasting up to 6 weeks for 150 people to enable them to become Construction Industry ready.
Low but positive growth for UK construction amid Brexit…
The latest forecast from the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) expects positive growth for the sector despite the uncertainty of Brexit.
CITB unveils new direction: Investing in the construction …
Today, CITB unveiled its Business Plan for 2024-25. The new direction sets out to build on previous plans and shows how they will support and empower employers by investing £267m over the coming year.
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