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Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction …
Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction 2010-2014
Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction …
Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction 2011-2015
Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction …
Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction 2013-2017
Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction …
Construction Skills Network blueprint for UK construction 2014-2018
World class skills for off-site construction (improving…
The project will develop targeted, innovative, quality-assured training that delivers standardised skills and knowledge for off-site manufacturing and assembly in construction. It will use a range of blended learning solutions that draw from and
CITB welcomes government's £600bn infrastructure…
CITB comments on the Chancellor's UK infrastructure plan.
Bridge the Gap into Construction (Pathways into…
Abbey Access Training, Construction Skills Solutions, Lindum Construction and a group of Lincolnshire Construction employers propose to join forces offering young people on the NEET register, Unemployed Women and Long Term Unemployed an innovative
Building young lives through construction careers…
Construction Youth Trust will test and develop effective pathways into construction for harder-to-reach young people and create a comprehensive best practice toolkit that will provide employers, particularly SMEs and supply-chain companies, with
Construct Croydon: Improving Pathways for Women and LTU…
LBC will adopt a coordinated approach to up-scaling its existing services and extend the offering of this for a construction sector specific pathway to engage more women and long term unemployed into the Croydon construction sector.
Development and delivery of a pathway into construction…
This project will seek to design and develop a program of activities that would enable a suitable transition into the construction industry for the target group (Service leavers and Full-time Learners).
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