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241 - 250 of 660 search results for Contact details where 168 match all words and 492 match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Plant standards and grants

New plant training standards and grants were launched from Monday 31 July 2023. Employers must use an Approved Training Organisation to receive grant for the new plant training standards.

Industry Funding Committee

Find out about the Industry Funding committee who advises our Board on our Industry Funding strategy, policy and investments

Competence Frameworks

Competence Frameworks will set out and define the core competence requirements for individuals across the built environment. They are made up of a Route to Competence and a SKEB document (Skills, Knowledge, Experience & Behaviour) and an

Advanced Craft Certificate grant

We pay grants for learners' attendance on and achievement of a course that leads to the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Advanced Craft Certificate in a subject related to construction.

Strategy for construction managers

This course is for managers in construction. It will help you to evaluate the potential costs and benefits of different business and organisational strategies.

CPCS Tester Course

This course is suited to trainers or very experienced operators. For anyone considering a career in testing within the Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS), this course is an ideal starting point. The Tester Course is for people who wish