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Asbestos air monitoring and clearance procedures
Asbestos air monitoring and clearance procedures
Apply liquid, multi-pack, resin and mastic asphalt…
The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the safe and correct application of liquid, multi-pack, resin and mastic asphalt Type A waterproofing systems.
CITB to expand apprenticeship support to all…
All levy-registered construction employers will be eligible to benefit from an expanded CITB apprenticeships support service, phased in throughout 2021.
Plain tiling introduction
Plain tiling introduction
Destinations of construction learners in further…
Destinations of construction learners in further education
Interlocking tiles introduction
Interlocking tiles introduction
Concrete strength assessment - cores and indirect methods …
This training standard is designed for candidates who supervise assessing hardened concrete for strength onsite primarily through core testing but with reference to other indirect non-destructive testing (NDT) methods.
Fixed gauge tiling
Fixed gauge tiling
Ventilating pitched roofing
Ventilating pitched roofing
Natural slating introduction
Natural slating introduction
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