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D: High risk activities
Get high risk activities guidance for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2019-2023 - UK
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2019-2023 - UK
Hire of cartridge and IC fixing tools
The purpose of this standard is to give candidates an understanding of policies and procedures relating to the safe hire of cartridge and IC fixing tools.
Achievers and leavers: barriers and opportunities for…
Achievers and leavers: barriers and opportunities for people entering the construction industry
Defect survey and repair
Defect survey and repair
Hire procedures and practical applications
The purpose of this standard is to train staff and supervisors to complete the checks and basic maintenance required to ensure equipment is supplied in an as new condition. The training will include practical elements relating to the correct
Mobile plant loading and transporting - large equipment
The purpose of this standard is to provide candidates with the guidance on correct procedures for safe loading, securing and unloading of larger mobile plant found in hire.
Mobile plant loading and transporting - small equipment
The purpose of this standard is to provide candidates with the guidance on correct procedures for safe loading, securing and unloading of common mobile plant found in tool hire.
Tool Hire Product Awareness Training (THPAT) - ladders…
This Standard covers the procedures that must be used in the safe hire of Ladders and Low-Level Staging within the PUWER regulations, Working at Height Regulations and to Industry Lead Body requirements for compliance at all levels.
Harness inspection for the plant hire sector
Training is specifically designed for any person who is involved with hiring out harnesses and associated equipment.
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