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CITB publishes plan to support sector’s skills-based…
CITB has today announced its plan to help employers recover from the impact of Coronavirus, including a substantial reduction in Levy bills.
What we do
Find out how to build a better Britain, we promote and inspire people to join a diverse industry.
Industry Consultation (Consensus) - Who is consulted?
Industry consultation (Consensus)
Construction Industry Research Reports
Explore CITB research and insights. including Construction Skills Network (CSN) reports.
Executive Management Team Bios
Find out more about the management team
Go Construct
Go Construct
Our Councils - Membership & National Insights
Scope and objectives of the Nation Councils, and members of our Nation Councils
About Commissioning (What do they support?)
CITB’s approach to commissioning
Plans and performance
CITB is dedicated to ensuring the construction workforce has the right skills for now and the future based on our three strategic priorities – Careers, Standards and Qualifications, and Training and Development.
Current Opportunities For Commissioning
Details of current CITB commissions
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