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Boosting Infrastructure Productivity Programme
This project will support infrastructure suppliers to be ready for Project 13, a fundamental change in how the sector’s clients deliver high performing infrastructure.
Jobs boost for Brits in construction sector Brexit bounce …
A third of construction companies expect to provide more jobs for British workers as the sector rises to challenges presented by Brexit and Covid-19.
VINCI and City of York Council – putting social value and …
Many new entrants to construction leave the industry early in their career. VINCI Construction’s solution? Helping them find their passion.
Matching construction theory with practice
The project has three key threads, addressing directly the school, FE and HE sectors.
Migration and UK Construction June 2023
After the referendum decision to leave the European Union (EU), CITB worked with industry to develop an evidence base, looking at how and why construction was using migrant workers, the key occupations they were working in and how employers planned
NRSWA – Supervisor Level - Refresher
NRSWA – Supervisor Level - Refresher
Fitted furniture renovation - Refresher
The purpose of the Fitted furniture renovation - Refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Fitted furniture renovation standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.
NRSWA – Operative Level - Refresher
NRSWA – Operative Level - Refresher
Assessor infrastructure - Roofing Industry Alliance
Build the skills capacity of the roofing sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor infrastructure - The Tile Association
Build the skills capacity of the tile sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
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