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Developing Digital Leadership Skills in Construction SMEs …
This project will help leaders of small and medium employers identify digital solutions that increase productivity by exploring repetitive, time consuming process and other areas of waste, and identify digital solutions. Solutions will be taken
NRSWA - Unit 2 / O1 - Signing, lighting and guarding
NRSWA - Unit 2 / O1 - Signing, lighting and guarding
NRSWA - Unit 10 / S1 - Monitoring signing, lighting and…
NRSWA - Unit 10 / S1 - Monitoring signing, lighting and guarding
NRSWA - Unit 16 / S7 - Monitoring reinstatement of…
The details for this standard are held by Streetworks Qualifications Register (SWQR)
Trowel occupations
This suite contains standards and Vocational Qualifications relating to: Bricklaying Brickwork Technician Heritage Brickwork.
Assessor infrastructure - Thermal Insulation Contractors…
Build the skills capacity of the thermal insulation sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor infrastructure - Association of Brickwork…
Build the skills capacity of the brickwork sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor infrastructure - National Association of…
Build the skills capacity of the shop fitting sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor infrastructure - Painting and Decorating…
Build the skills capacity of the painting and decorating sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Chimney occupations
This suite contains National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the occupational area of Chimney engineering
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