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Constructionarium Ltd – transition to a sustainable…
This project sits under the structured fund, experiential learning opportunity and will deliver a sustainable experiential learning offer for England.
Development and delivery of environmental awareness…
The project will build expertise in senior management through the IEMA Accredited Environmental Awareness course and use this expertise to develop and deploy be-spoke short-duration courses.
Environmental management in construction - refresher
The purpose of Environmental management in construction – refresher course is for delegates who have previously passed the full Environmental management in construction course or subsequent refresher course and can provide proof of attendance.
Introduction to structured trainee programs – mentor led
The project will design and implement a mentor-led trainee scheme that supports and compliments degree education and study in the workplace.
Service Tech training for small tools plant
The project will increase access to the right training for fitters/plant mechanics in the tool hire industry.
Basic competency programme (BCP) Stage 2 assessment
The project will provide a further Basic competency Programme assessment for those who have already completed the Basic Competency Programme
Creation of demolition non-specific guidance notes
This project will produce 5 individual demolition specific sets of guidance notes. These guidance notes will be used by the Federation members and the wider industry to assist in ensuring that the knowledge of existing demolition sector staff
Onsite Assessment Infrastructure for Apprentices in…
This project will address an identified industry need to recruit and train 100 FTE ne, quality assessors to enable the efficient delivery of assessments for apprenticeships in Scotland.
BIM – readiness study, business case & implementation …
The project will undertake research by carrying out pilot studies and business mapping, to evaluate the people and business readiness for BIM, resulting in a business case for further investment in people, process innovation, collaborative working,
Short qualifications we pay grant for
We pay grant for the short qualifications listed below. Each qualification must be regulated but can be delivered by a number of awarding organisations. Grant payments are not linked to preference for one body over another.
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