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Assessment Infrastructure Structural Concrete Alliance…
Assessors and IQAs will be recruited and trained to provide assessment resource for the trades covered under the Structural Concrete Alliance. Consequently, the number of assessors available in the industry and assessors via IQAs will increase,
World of work experience (WOWEx): the group placement…
The project will overcome the practical barriers to delivering work experience and increase the appeal of working within the industry by designing a week of work experience activity that any construction contractor can download and put into practice.
Apprenticeship grants for intermediate, advanced and…
We pay grants for attendance and achievements on approved intermediate, advanced and higher Apprenticeship Frameworks in England where an apprentice started prior to 1 August 2020.
Quality and safety in the highway – backfilling the…
The project is the third and final stage of a set of three projects which have piloted a series of short videos These videos communicate key information on the topic of safety at work.
Passport to Construction (Pathways into Construction -…
Each programme will run for 6 weeks delivering work readiness and confidence building as well as developing practical construction related skills including sites visits and work placements on various construction sites across North Wales.
Solent Civil Engineering Collaboration - Industry Led…
The project supports the establishment of an employer-led training consortium that increases the capacity of ground working provision in the South (central) area of England.
Pathways to skills accreditation for hard to reach…
The project will support a demographic of hard to reach workers who require their skills to be recognised, wish to develop or change careers within the sector. It will do so by building assessor capacity and delivering relevant qualifications to
Thousands more people into Scottish construction's…
Supporting training and retraining to rebuild after the recovery, improving productivity and making it easier to help employers bring in apprentices and other new entrants to Scottish construction are key elements of CITB’s Strategic Plan,
Improving performance through better procurement…
“Performance through Procurement” brings together 11 of our Partners who are tier 1 contractors, their key supply chain members and client organisations to drive increased performance through the adoption of better procurement and supply chain
Piloting the Deployment of ISO18404 in the Construction…
The project will develop a programme to accredit organisations in the British Standards Institution ISO18404 for Lean Construction.
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