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Employer Networks
Employer Networks are an initiative set up and funded by CITB aiming to simplify the way you get the support and funding you need to access the training you want. It’s all part of the service. Collectively employers are shaping the way funds
CITB highlights 2018
The launch of our bold, industry-backed, three- year Business Plan was one of many highlights during a busy reforming year for CITB.
Events Toolkit
Events Toolkit
Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in Scotland
Modern slavery statement
CITB's responsibilities to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in its supply chains or business operations
Management & Supervisory Courses at the NCC
The National Construction College offers management courses tailored to the needs of the construction industry. Courses are designed to fit around a busy work schedule so you're never off site for too long. Construction ILM, NVQ in site management,
East of England
Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in East of England
Levelling & Setting Out Courses at the NCC
Basic to advanced courses in Surveying, Levelling and setting out
Structured fund
One of three CITB funds, it supports projects where CITB has identified a need for investment.
Funded projects library
Funded projects library
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