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South East
Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in the South East
Organisational Structure
How CITB is structured and overview of each department
On-site T Level Competency Pilot
Onsite Construction T Levels were launched in September 2021 with just over 100 students. T Levels are based on the same standards as apprenticeships, which gives students a strong grounding in their specialist area. Students can specialise in
National Occupational Standards
How do National Occupational Standards (NOS) benefit the construction industry? Amongst other things, the NOS ensure that NVQs and SVQs are more robust and consistent. Between 2020 and 2021 over 70,000 people in construction across the UK achieved
Construction Skills Fund
Learn about the DfE funded on-site training hubs and how it will get people into construction jobs
Disbanded committees
Information on past committees is kept for historical purposes
Apprenticeship grants
CITB offers apprenticeship grants and funding for individuals on approved apprenticeships in England, Wales & Scotland. Apply for a grant today.
Upcoming NCC Courses & Special Offers
Last minute courses
Who we work with
CITB works with construction employers, training providers, and Government to ensure that our policies are aligned to national and local policy across the UK.
Plant Training Standards Review
The Standards Team works with subject matter experts from across the industry to standardise plant training via Plant Working Groups (WG). The development of the plant training standards will help to ensure that the training required by the
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