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Natural slating introduction
Natural slating introduction
Workmanship and quality
Workmanship and quality
Leading an NSAfC project
If you are leading or co-ordinating employment, training or skills development on a National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) project – or want to use the NSAfC way of working on an unaccredited project – this page will tell you about
Roof felt products and application
Roof felt products and application
Dry-fixed systems
Dry-fixed systems
Defect survey and repair
Defect survey and repair
CITB publishes plan to support sector’s skills-based…
CITB has today announced its plan to help employers recover from the impact of Coronavirus, including a substantial reduction in Levy bills.
Safety in Residential Buildings – Principal Contractor
The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with an understanding of the impact of legislation, regulation and industry guidance relating to the role responsibilities of the Principal Contractor under the Building Safety Act, And the
Built-up wall cladding construction and specification
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge of managing the built-up wall package, from concept to handover.
Working with lead alternatives
Working with lead alternatives
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