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Solent Civil Engineering Collaboration - Industry Led…
The project supports the establishment of an employer-led training consortium that increases the capacity of ground working provision in the South (central) area of England.
Assessor infrastructure - Roofing Industry Alliance
Build the skills capacity of the roofing sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor infrastructure - The Tile Association
Build the skills capacity of the tile sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor infrastructure - Hire Association Europe
Build the skills capacity of the hire sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor infrastructure - Resin Flooring Association
Build the skills capacity of the resin flooring sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Available specialist applied-skills programmes (SAP)
The specialist applied-skills programmes (SAP) are 18-month long new entrant training programmes. The programmes lead to a vocational qualification (NVQ/SVQ), and are considered by trade associations and employers as 'sector apprenticeships'.
About CITB Apprenticeships
Everything you need to know about becoming a CITB Apprentice
CITB to expand apprenticeship support to all…
All levy-registered construction employers will be eligible to benefit from an expanded CITB apprenticeships support service, phased in throughout 2021.
Assessor infrastructure - Lead Contractors Association
Build the skills capacity of the lead contracting sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
What is an Approved Training Organisation (ATO)?
Find out about CITB Approved Training Organisatiosn (ATOs)
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