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21 - 30 of 52 search results for Energy Green energy where 13 match all words and 39 match some words.

Results that match 2 of 3 words

Pilot APP site training Quebec Park

The project is a pilot to train construction workers on the ‘Assured Performance Process’, a methodology produced by the National Energy Foundation.

Stress: know the signs and act

In Mental Health Awareness Week, we take a look at stress, what it is, how to recognise it in ourselves and others, and how to deal with it.

International Women’s Day Event POSTPONED

Friday’s #IWD event POSTPONED. After careful consideration & the potential risk to children & their families in relation to the Coronavirus, we have decided to postpone Friday’s event.

Productivity - reducing rework - FMB (commission)

The project will increase productivity by reducing the errors and defects that cause rework. A new L5 qualification will be developed and rolled out on Energy Efficiency in Retrofit Project Management. This will help to set out an industry baseline

Industry Funding Committee

Find out about the Industry Funding committee who advises our Board on our Industry Funding strategy, policy and investments

Breaking Ground: New training film paves the way to a…

Every day over 65 million customers and citizens in the UK rely on the energy and utilities sector’s workforce to deliver the essential services that underpin our everyday lives: water, gas, power and waste for our homes and businesses.