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Available specialist applied-skills programmes (SAP)
The specialist applied-skills programmes (SAP) are 18-month long new entrant training programmes. The programmes lead to a vocational qualification (NVQ/SVQ), and are considered by trade associations and employers as 'sector apprenticeships'.
Who we work with
CITB works with construction employers, training providers, and Government to ensure that our policies are aligned to national and local policy across the UK.
Equality and diversity policy
Discover how CITB complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
Skills and Training fund
Smaller CITB-registered employers can apply for the Skills and Training fund for their construction training needs.
Business Plan (What We Do)
This one-year Business Plan builds upon work from 2020 which signalled our intent to focus on fewer priorities and maximise their impact.
Think Build
The Think Build project is a pilot programme adapted from the award-winning Think Logistics programme set up in 2014 as a partnership between several logistics firms and the charity Career Ready.
Routes to Competence
How does a Route to Competence (RTC) benefit the construction industry?
Events Toolkit
Events Toolkit
Plant maintenance apprenticeship course
This apprenticeship course covers all the basic principles you need to learn to become a plant mechanic and work on the engineering team of a plant or plant hire company You’ll learn how to service and repair machines and equipment, including
Modern slavery statement
CITB's responsibilities to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in its supply chains or business operations
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