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Identifying blemishes, defects and deteriorating concrete …
This standard was previously known as Defects and deterioration in concrete. This training standard is designed for candidates who want to identify blemishes defects and deterioration in concrete and explore remedial options.
B: Health and welfare
Get health and welfare guidance for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
Panel soffit formwork for general operatives
This standard is to provide the skills / information required to erect and dismantle manhandled panel soffit formwork. This training would be relevant for concrete frame operatives, formworkers and supervisors.
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
Bonding, taping and positioning insulation board
Bonding, taping and positioning insulation board
Two pack polyurethanes and flexible polyesters
Two pack polyurethanes and flexible polyesters
Car parks: products and application methods
Car parks: products and application methods
Balconies, podiums and inverted roof systems
Balconies, podiums and inverted roof systems
Hot applied roof membranes: rubberised bitumen
Hot applied roof membranes: rubberised bitumen
Built-up wall cladding construction and specification
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge of managing the built-up wall package, from concept to handover.
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