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Understanding future change in construction
Understanding future change in construction
Sector Skills Plans
Sector Skills Plans are tailor-made strategies designed to address the specific needs of different sectors within the construction industry. They are owned and shaped by construction industry stakeholders, outlining clear actions and interventions
Payments and spend over £25,000
Information on the payments we have made that are over £25,000. These reports are produced monthly
Site Safety Plus (SSP) Course Suite
Find out how to become accredited to offer Site Safety Plus courses and access available support
What you can get grant and funding for
We offer support to industry through our grants and funds. CITB grants cover day to day training and our funds cover specific projects and commissions.
Build to last - reviewing sustainability construction
This review highlights where CITB-ConstructionSkills might effectively channel its efforts to help the construction industry make its full contribution to sustainable development (SD).
Competence Frameworks feedback form
Please use the following form to submit your feedback and comments on the specific skills, knowledge, experience, behaviours, and anything else that extends beyond the current detail of the Competence Standard.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 24 March 2020
Today's key messages are on support for apprentices, our new Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) app and information on a new employer support database.
Training and the built environment 2016
Training and the built environment 2016
Traditional building craft skills 2009 - Ireland
Traditional building craft skills 2009 - Ireland
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