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Construction Skills Network forecasts 2017-2021 -…
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2017-2021 - Scotland
Migration and construction - The view from employers,…
Migration and construction - The view from employers, recruiters and non–UK born workers in 2019
Reviewing, sharing and celebrating experiences
Reviewing, sharing and celebrating your experiences of using the National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) approach will help you raise your organisation’s profile, contribute to a community of like-minded organisations and spread best
Achievers and leavers: barriers and opportunities for…
Achievers and leavers: barriers and opportunities for people entering the construction industry
Structural Timber Association: Standardised skills for…
In the world of off-site construction, timber frame is one of the fastest-growing techniques. But the available skills are not keeping pace with the trend.
How to apply for NSAfC accreditation
How to apply for NSAfC accreditation and the eligibility requirements.
Skills and Training fund for small and micro-sized…
See how your small- or micro-sized construction company (with between 1 and 99 employees) can get funding for your construction training needs.
Work placements and careers events for NSAfC projects
Work placements and career events are covered by key performance indicators (KPIs) 1 and 3 respectively under the National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) framework.
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