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181 - 190 of 494 search results for Guidance notes where 83 match all words and 411 match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Courses Available for Site Safety Plus (SSP)

Site Safety Plus (SSP) courses are designed to give everyone from operative to senior manager the skills they need to progress through the industry. There are a range of courses available either through classroom/remote delivery or the CITB eCourses

Find a CITB Funded Training Group

CITB funds local, regional and specialist Training Groups that support a variety of employers across different trades. All Training Groups help employers access training that meets their needs.

Great ways to get people into the trade?

Listen to CITB’s Apprentice Delivery Manager Andrew Rodney talking to The Clive Holland Show on FixRadioUK about what we are doing to encourage more people on the tools.