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NRSWA - Unit 16 / S7 - Monitoring reinstatement of…
The details for this standard are held by Streetworks Qualifications Register (SWQR)
Lifting equipment hire
The purpose of this standard is to help hire staff to identify safe and unsafe equipment, carry out basic maintenance, undertake pre and off hire checks of basic lifting equipment and complete recording systems.
Trowel occupations
This suite contains standards and Vocational Qualifications relating to: Bricklaying Brickwork Technician Heritage Brickwork.
Formwork construction and installation for foundations
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to construct and install formwork for foundations.
Harness inspection for the plant hire sector
Training is specifically designed for any person who is involved with hiring out harnesses and associated equipment.
Chimney occupations
This suite contains National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the occupational area of Chimney engineering
Tool hire product awareness training (THPAT) - MEWPs and…
The purpose of this standard is to train candidates in the hire sector to operate and demonstrate operation, and select accessories relating to Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) and Mobile Tower hire fleet assets.
Travel to train booking form for Specialist…
Travel to train booking form for Specialist Applied-skills Programme
Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital…
Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital future (Giving leaders the skills to drive digital change)
Travel to train booking form for grant eligible…
Travel to train booking form for grant eligible apprentices.
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